Camuy-Velez L., Chakraborty D., Young A., Paudel S., Elvers R., Vanderhyde M., Walter K., Herzog C., Banerjee S.
Context-dependent contributions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to host performance under global change factors.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2025, Article 109707.
Lutz S., Bodenhausen N., Bender S. F., Schlaeppi K., van der Heijden M.
Das Gute kommt von unten.
UFA-Revue, 1, 2024, 10-13.
Durney C., Boussageon R., El-Mjiyad N., Wipf D., Courty P.-E.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis with Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM197198 modifies the root transcriptome of walnut trees.
Mycorrhiza, 34, 2024, 341-350.
Hu J., Wang F., Zhang J., Guo L., van der Heijden M.
Mycorrhizae and sustainable soil solutions.
Pedosphere, 34, (2), 2024, 267-268.
Lutz S., Bodenhausen N., Schlaeppi K., van der Heijden M.
Mykorrhiza: Lohnt sich eine Impfung?
Lumbrico, 17, 2024, 18-21.
Balestrini R., Sillo F., Boussageon R., Wipf D., Courty P. E.
The hidden side of interaction: Microbes and roots get together to improve plant resilience.
Journal of Plant Interactions, 19, (1), 2024, Article 2323991.
Banerjee S., Zhao C., Garland G., Edlinger A., García-Palacios P., Romdhane S., Degrune F., Pescador D. S., Herzog C., Camuy-Velez L. A., Bascompte J., Hallin S., Philippot L., Maestre F. T., Rillig M. C. et autres
Biotic homogenization, lower soil fungal diversity and fewer rare taxa in arable soils across Europe.
Nature Communications, 15, 2024, Article 327.
Zhang C., van der Heijden M., Dodds B. K., Nguyen T. B., Spooren J., Valzano-Held A., Cosme M., Berendsen R. L.
A tripartite bacterial-fungal-plant symbiosis in the mycorrhiza-shaped microbiome drives plant growth and mycorrhization.
Microbiome, 12, 2024, Article 13.
Labouyrie M., Ballabio C., Romero Blanch F., Panagos P., Jones A., Tedersoo L., van der Heijden M., Orgiazzi A.
Interaction effects of pH and land cover on soil microbial diversity are climate‐dependent.
Environmental Microbiology, 26, (2), 2024, Article e16572.
Peng Z., Qian X., Liu Y., Li X., Gao H., An Y., Qi J., Jiang L., Zhang Y., Chen S., Pan H., Chen B., Liang C., van der Heijden M., Wei G. et autres
Land conversion to agriculture induces taxonomic homogenization of soil microbial communities globally.
Nature Communications, 15, 2024, Article 3624.
Martin F.M., van der Heijden M.
The mycorrhizal symbiosis: Research frontiers in genomics, ecology, and agricultural application.
New Phytologist, 242, (4), 2024, 1486-1506.
Lutz S., Bender S. F., Bodenhausen N., Schlaeppi K., van der Heijden M.
Mykorrhizapilze für einen gesunden Boden: Nützlinge nutzbar machen.
Der Pflanzenarzt, 1-2, 2024, 6-9.
Rog I., Hilman B., Fox H., Yalin D., Qubaja R., Klein T.
Increased belowground tree carbon allocation in a mature mixed forest in a dry versus a wet year.
Global Change Biology, 30, (2), 2024, Article e17172.
Wittwer R., Klaus V., Richter F., van der Heijden M.
Mesurer et évaluer les services écosystémiques et la multifonctionnalité dans l'agriculture.
Agroscope Science, 182, 2024.
autres langues:
Oliveira E. M., Wittwer R., Hartmann M., Keller T., Buchmann N., van der Heijden M.
Effects of conventional, organic and conservation agriculture on soil physical properties, root growth and microbial habitats in a long-term field experiment.
Geoderma, 447, 2024, Article 116927.
Sun Q., Gilgen A.K., Wittwer R., von Arx G., van der Heijden M., Klaus V., Buchmann N.
Drought effects on trait space of winter wheat are independent of land management.
New Phytologist, 243, (2), 2024, 591-606.
Wittwer R., van der Heijden M.
Die Multifunktionalität von Ackerbausystemen bewerten.
Dans: BGS - SPGW - SPG Jahrestagung 2024. 21. März, Zollikofen (CH). 2024.
van der Heijden M.
Mycorrhizas: Ondergrondse Schimmelnetwerken.
Dans: Gezond met microben. Ed. Ben Lugtenberg. 2024, 134-138.
Zhang C., de Pasquale S., Hartman K., Stanley C. E., Berendsen R. L., van der Heijden M.
The microbial contribution to litter decomposition and plant growth.
Environmental Microbiology Reports, 16, (1), 2024, 1-15.
Jia Y., van der Heijden M., Valzano A., Jocher M., Walder F.
Mycorrhizal fungi mitigate nitrogen losses of an experimental grassland by facilitating plant uptake and soil microbial immobilization.
Pedosphere, 34, (2), 2024, 399-410.
Vukovic D.
Unsichtbare Netzwerke – Ein Blick in die komplexe Welt der Bodenorganismen.
ANG Fokus, 2023, 52-57.
Boussageon R., Serrano M., Formey D., Tromas A., Wipf D., Courty P.-E.
Knockdown of Lotus japonicus ROP3 alters the root symbiotic phenotype and alters the expression of genes involved in nutrient acquisition during both rhizobial and mycorrhizal symbioses.
Symbiosis, 91, 2023, 167-178.
van der Heijden M.
Het One Health Concept en Bodem-Microbiomen.
Dans: Gezond met microben. Ed. Ben Lugtenberg. 2023, 127-129.
Demarmels R., Bender S. F.
Mit vergrabenen Unterhosen die Bodenfruchtbarkeit beurteilen.
Kartoffelbau, 74, (3), 2023, 1-4.
Hartman K., Schmid M. W., Bodenhausen N., Bender S. F., Valzano A., Schlaeppi K., van der Heijden M.
A symbiotic footprint in the plant root microbiome.
Environmental Microbiome, 18, 2023, Article 65.
Anthony M., Bender S. F., van der Heijden M.
Enumerating soil biodiversity.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120, (33), 2023, 1-9.
Romero Blanch F., Argüello A., de Bruin S., van der Heijden M.
The plant–mycorrhizal fungi collaboration gradient depends on plant functional group.
Functional Ecology, 37, (9), 2023, 2386-2398.
Toda M., Walder F., van der Heijden M.
Organic management and soil health promote nutrient use efficiency.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 2, (3), 2023, 215-224.
Feng M., Varliero G., Qi W., Stierli B., Edwards A., Robinson S., van der Heijden M., Frey B.
Microbial dynamics in soils of the Damma glacier forefield show succession in the functional genetic potential.
Environmental Microbiology, 25, (12), 2023, 3116-3138.
Lutz S., Bodenhausen N., Hess J., Valzano A., Waelchli J., Deslandes-Hérold G., Schlaeppi K., van der Heijden M.
Soil microbiome indicators can predict crop growth response to large-scale inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
Nature Microbiology, 8, 2023, 2277-2289.
Bender S. F., Schulz S., Martínez‐Cuesta R., Laughlin R. J., Kublik S., Pfeiffer‐Zakharova K., Vestergaard G., Hartman K., Parladé E., Römbke J., Watson C. J., Schloter M., van der Heijden M.
Simplification of soil biota communities impairs nutrient recycling and enhances above‐ and belowground nitrogen losses.
New Phytologist, 240, (5), 2023, 1-15.
Klein T., Rog I., Livne-Luzon S., van der Heijden M., Körner C.
Belowground carbon transfer across mycorrhizal networks among trees: Facts, not fantasy.
Open Research Europe, 3, 2023, 1-7.
Wittwer R., Klaus V., Oliveira Miranda E., Sun Q., Liu Y., Gilgen A.K., Buchmann N., van der Heijden M.
Limited capability of organic farming and conservation tillage to enhance agroecosystem resilience to severe drought.
Agricultural Systems, 211, 2023, 1-11.
Li X., Zhao R., Li D., Wang G., Bei S., Ju X., An R., Li L., Kuyper T., Christie P., Bender S. F., Veen C., van der Heijden M., van der Putten W. H., Zhang F. et autres
Mycorrhiza-mediated recruitment of complete denitrifying Pseudomonas reduces N2O emissions from soil.
Microbiome, 11, (45), 2023, 1-18.
Romero Blanch F., Hilfiker S., Edlinger A., Valzano A., Hartman K., Labouyrie M., van der Heijden M.
Soil microbial biodiversity promotes crop productivity and agro-ecosystem functioning in experimental microcosms.
Science of the Total Environment, 885, 2023, 1-10.
Labouyrie M., Ballabio C., Romero Blanch F., Panagos P., Jones A., Schmid A., Mikryukov V., Dulya O., Tedersoo L., Bahram M., Lugato E., van der Heijden M., Orgiazzi A.
Patterns in soil microbial diversity across Europe.
Nature Communications, 14, (3311), 2023, 1-21.
Formenti L., Iwanycki Ahlstrand N., Hassemer G., Glauser G., van den Hoogen J., Rønsted N., van der Heijden M., Crowther T., Rasmann S.
Macroevolutionary decline in mycorrhizal colonization and chemical defense responsiveness to mycorrhization.
iScience, 26, 2023, 1-18.
Rillig M.C., van der Heijden M., Berdugo M., Liu Y., Riedo J., Sanz-Lazaro C, Moreno-Jiménez E., Romero Blanch F., Tedersoo L., Delgado-Baquerizo, M.
Increasing the number of stressors reduces soil ecosystem services worldwide.
Nature Climate Change, 13, 2023, 478-483.
Liu Y-R., van der Heijden M., Riedo J., Sanz-Lazaro C., Eldridge D. J., Bastida F., Moreno-Jiménez E., Abades S., Alfaro F., Bamigboye A. R., Berdugo M., Blanco-Pastor J.L.
Soil contamination in nearby natural areas mirrors that in urban greenspaces worldwide.
Nature Communications, 14, (1706), 2023, 1-12.
Bodenhausen N., Hess J., Valzano A., Deslandes‐Hérold G., Waelchli J., Furrer R., van der Heijden M., Schlaeppi K.
Predicting soil fungal communities from chemical and physical properties.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 2, (3), 2023, 225-237.
Edlinger A., Garland G., Banerjee S., Degrune F., Garcia-Palacios P., Herzog C., Pescador D.S., Romdhane S., Ryo M., Saghaï A., Hallin S., Maestre F. T., Philippot L., Rillig M., van der Heijden M.
The impact of agricultural management on soil aggregation and carbon storage is regulated by climatic thresholds across a 3000 km European gradient.
Global Change Biology, 29, (11), 2023, 3177-3192.
Banerjee, S., van der Heijden M.
Soil microbiomes and one health.
Nature Reviews Microbiology, 21, 2023, 6-20.
Baier U., Fuchs J., Galli U., Schleiss K., Herzog C.
Produits de la methanisation et du compostage : Directive qualité de la branche 2022.
Verein Inspektorat der Kompostier- und Vergäranlagen der Schweiz. 2022, 32 pp.
autres langues:
Demarmels R., van der Heijden M.
Kommerzielle Produkte mit Mykorrhiza konnten nicht überzeugen.
BauernZeitung, 14. März, 2022.
Eisenhauer N., Bender S. F., Caldéron-Sanou I., de Vries F. T., Lembrechts J. J., Thuiller W., Wall D. H., Zeiss R., Bahram M., Beugnon R., Burton V. J., Crowther T. W., Delgado-Baquerizo M., Geisen S., Kardol P. et autres
Frontiers in soil ecology: Insights from the World Biodiversity Forum 2022.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 1, (4), 2022, 245-261.
Liu Y., Duarte S. D., Sun Q., Gilgen A. K., Wittwer R., van der Heijden M., Buchmann N., Valentin H. K.
Severe drought rather than cropping system determines litter decomposition in arable systems.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 338, 2022, 1-12.
Salomon M. J., Watts-Williams S. J., McLaughlin M. J., Bücking H., Singh B. K., Hutter I., Schneider C., Martin F. M., Vosatka M., Liangdong G., Ezawa T., Saito M., Declerck S., Yong-Guan Z., Bowles T. et autres
Establishing a quality management framework for commercial inoculants containing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
iScience, 25, (7), 2022, 1-11.
Gorfer M., Borruso L., Deltedesco E., Gichuhi E. W., Menge D. M., Makihara D., Praeg N., Cesco S., Mimmo T., Merbold L., Leitner S.
The effect of environmental parameters and fertilization practices on yield and soil microbial diversity in a Kenyan paddy rice field.
Applied Soil Ecology, 176, 2022, 1-12.
Romdhane S., Spor A., Breuil M. C., Bru D., Chabbi A., Hallin S., van der Heijden M., Saghai A., Philippot L.
Land-use intensification differentially affects bacterial, fungal and protist communities and decreases microbiome network complexity.
Environmental Microbiome, 17, (1), 2022, 1-15.
Sun Q., Klaus V., Wittwer R., Liu Y., van der Heijden M., Gilgen A., Buchmann N.
Water uptake patterns of pea and barley responded to drought but not to cropping systems.
Biogeosciences, 19, 2022, 1853-1869.
Liu S., Garcia-Palacios P., Tedersoo L., Guirado E., van der Heijden M., Wagg C., Chen D., Wang Q., Wang J., Singh B., Delgado-Baquerizo M.
Phylotype diversity within soil fungal functional groups drives ecosystem stability.
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, 2022, 900-909.
Gutiérrez-Cánovas C., Arias-Real R., Bruno D., Cabrerizo M. J., González-Olalla J. M., Picazo F., Romero Blanch F., Sánchez-Fernández D., Pallarés S.
Multiple-stressors effects on Iberian freshwaters: A review of current knowledge and future research priorities.
Limnetica, 41, (2), 2022, 245-268.
Sahu J., Vaishnav A., Singh H. B.
Plant-microbe interactions harnessing next-generation molecular technologies for sustainable agriculture.
CRC Press. 2022, 304 pp.
Singh H. B., Vaishnav A.
New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering Sustainable Agriculture: Revisiting Green Chemicals.
Elsevier. 2022, 564 pp.
Sharma K., Sharma S., Vaishnav A., Jain R., Singh D., Singh H. B., Goel A., Singh S.
Salt-tolerant PGPR strain Priestia endophytica SK1 promotes fenugreek growth under salt stress by inducing nitrogen assimilation and secondary metabolites.
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 133, (5), 2022, 2802-2813.
Anand U., Vaishnav A., Sharma S. K., Sahu J., Ahmad S., Sunita K., Suresh S., Dey A., Bontempi E., Singh A. K., Prockow J., Shukla A.K.
Current advances and research prospects for agricultural and industrial uses of microbial strains available in world collections.
Science of the Total Environment, 842, 2022, 1-22.
Bender S. F., van der Heijden M.
Soil organisms for healthy soils and sustainable agriculture.
RURAL 21, 56, (2), 2022, 10-12.
Bender S. F.
Pulling the strings from underground? Soil biota and plant growth–defense tradeoffs.
New Phytologist, 233, (3), 2022, 1015-1017.
Edlinger A., Garland G., Hartman K., Banerjee S., Degrune F., Garcia-Palacios P., Hallin S., Valzano-Held A., Herzog C., Jansa J., Kost E., Maestre F. T., Pescador D. S., Philippot L., Rillig M. C. et autres
Agricultural management and pesticide use reduce the functioning of beneficial plant symbionts.
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6, 2022, 1145-1154.
Bender S. F., Peter N., van der Heijden M.
Des sols sains grâce à la diversité biologique : Protéger les sols et favoriser leurs organismes afin d’ améliorer les conditions de production végétale.
Agroscope, Zürich-Reckenholz. Fiche technique No. 158, août, 2022, 4 pp.
autres langues:
Singh HB, Vaishnav A.
New and future developments in microbial biotechnology and bioengineering: Sustainable Agriculture: Advances in microbe based bisotimulants.
Harikesh Bahadur Singh, Anukool Vaishnav, Elsevier. February 3, 2022, 486 pp.
Vaishnav A., Singh H. B.
New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Sustainable Agriculture: Revitalization Through Organic Products.
Harikesh Bahadur Singh, Anukool Vaishnav, Elsevier. 11. Februar, 2022, 26 pp.
De Gruyter J., Weedon J.T., Elst E.M., Geisen S., van der Heijden M., Verbruggen E.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and plant response strongly shape bacterial and eukaryotic soil community trajectories.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 165, 2022, Article 108524.
Vaishnav A., Kumar R., Singh H.B., Sarma B.K.
Extending the benefits of PGPR to bioremediation of nitrile pollution in crop lands for enhancing crop productivity.
Science of the Total Environment, 826, 2022, Article 154170.
Wittwer R.
Pfluglos primär für die Bodenqualität.
Landwirt bio, 1, 2022, 52-57.
Cadot S., Gfeller V., Hu L., Singh N., Sánchez-Vallet A., Glauser G., Croll D., Erb M., van der Heijden M., Schläppi K.
Soil composition and plant genotype determine benzoxazinoidmediated plant–soil feedbacks in cereals.
Plant, Cell & Environment, 44, (12), 2021, 1-13.