Numéro du projet:

Évaluer et concevoir des paysages agricoles

Die Multifunktionale Agrarlandschaft der Zukunft ist produktiv, umwelt- und klimafreundlich und wird von der Bevölkerung wertgeschätzt. Um diese Funktionen auf der begrenzt zur Verfügung stehenden Fläche zu erbringen, bedarf es abgestimmter agrarökologischer Konzepte und Gesamtsystembetrachtungen.

Mit Hilfe von GIS und räumlichen Daten werden in Zusammenarbeit mit Interessensvertretern und diversen Partnern Kriterien zur Bewertung der visuellen Qualität der Landschaft erarbeitet und praktische Massnahmen u.a. Agroforstsysteme und gemischte Anbausysteme hinsichtlich ihrer Einflüsse auf Biodiversität, Boden, Wasser, Luft und Klima evaluiert. Unser Ziel ist es, nachhaltige multifunktionale Agrarlandschaften zu gestalten, deren visuelle Qualität zu bewerten, und u.a. moderne Agroforstsysteme in der Umsetzung zu begleiten.

Nom, Prénom Site
Ehlers Melf-Hinrich Tänikon
Herzog Felix Reckenholz
Kay Sonja Reckenholz
Klein Noëlle Reckenholz
Kreuzer Amelie Reckenholz
Kunzelmann Jaromir Reckenholz
Roberti Giotto Reckenholz
Rubeaud Camille Reckenholz
Szerencsits Erich Reckenholz
Winizki Jonas Reckenholz
Wodzinowski Elias Reckenholz

Palma J., Smith J., Tomás A., Kay S., Den Herder M., Rønn-Andersen K., Bernascone M., Lawson G., Gosme M.
Agroforestry Virtual Space: Establishing an agroforestry community-driven architecture.
Dans: 7th European Agroforestry Conference - EURAF 2024. 28. - 31. May, Ed. EURAF, Brno (CZ). 2024.

Tomás A., Gosme M., Rønn-Andersen K., Lawson G., Kay S., den Herder M., Smith J., Palma J.
Online Agroforestry Tools and Data Catalogue: Developing a complete, diverse and detailed database of the current digital agroforestry environment.
Dans: 7th European Agroforestry Conference - EURAF 2024. 28. - 31. May, Ed. EURAF, Brno (CZ). 2024.

Kay S., Roberti G., Herzog F.
Swiss Agricultural and Climate Strategy:: a missed opportunity for agroforestry?
Dans: EURAF 2024. 31. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 388-389.

Gosme M., Ronn-Anderson K., Skyum B., Rigal C., Paut R., Warlop F., Carton S., Pardon P., Houska J., Weger J., Úradníček L., Martiník A., Den Herder M., Hübner R., Tomas A. et autres
AgroforesTreeAdvice:: an advice aggregator for tree species selection for agroforestry systems.
Dans: EURAF 2024. 28. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 300-301.

Reissig L., Kay S., Roberti G., Lojka B., Hübner R., Gosme M., Mantino A., Tranchina M., Vandendriessche J., Reubens B., Pardon P., Den Herder M.
Social and psychological factors influencing the use of digital technologies in agroforestry:: preliminary results from the DigitAF project.
Dans: EURAF 2024. 29. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 452-453.

Tranchina M., Mantino A., Burgess P., Cumplido-Marin L., Gosme M., Den Herder M., Kay S., Lawson G., Lojka B., Palma J., Pardon P., Reissig L., Reubens B., Prins E.
Technical, administrative and economic challenges faced by European agroforestry pioneers: Preliminary results from the DigitAF project.
Dans: EURAF 2024. 29 May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 457-458.

Lawson G., Kay S., Den Herder M., De Boeck A., Bertomeu M., Burgess P., Deranja D.
Can agroforestry help the EU Achieve net zero in the Land Sector by 2040?
Dans: 7th European Agroforestry Conference. 31. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 390-392.

Schievano A., Bocchi S., Dal Borgo A. G., Alali S., Catarino R., Bosco S., Rubeaud C., Kay S., Pérez-Soba M., Paracchini M.-L.
The benefits of integrating agroforestry practices in regenerative/agroecology systems: knowledge gaps in meta-analysis literature: knowledge gaps in meta-analysis literature.
Dans: EURAF 2024. 29. May, Ed. EURAF 2024, Brno (CZ). 2024, 369-370.

Tranchina M., Burgess P., Cella F. G., Cumplido-Marin L., Gosme M., Den Herder M., Kay S., Lawson G., Lojka B., Palma J., Pardon P., Reissig L., Reubens B., Prins E., Vandendriessche J. et autres
Exploring agroforestry limiting factors and digitalization perspectives: Insights from a european multi-actor appraisal.
Agroforestry Systems, In Press, 2024, 1-17.

den Hond-Vaccaro C., Kay S., Herzog F.
Rangées d'arbres dans les cultures maraîchères : Systèmes sylvoarables.
Agroscope. Fiche technique No. 218, 2024, 5 pp.
autres langues: allemand | italien

Roberti G., Bragazza L., Bretscher D., den Hond-Vaccaro C., Jarosch K., Keel S., Mariotte P., Merbold L., Reissig L., Walder F., Herzog F., Kay S.
Évaluation du rôle de l’agroforesterie dans une politique agricole et alimentaire globale.
Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 15, 2024, 199-206.
autres langues: allemand

Oberson A., Jarosch K., Frossard E., Hammelehle A., Fliessbach A., Mäder P., Mayer J.
Higher than expected: Nitrogen flows, budgets, and use efficiencies over 35 years of organic and conventional cropping.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 362, 2024, 1-15.

den Hond-Vaccaro C., Jarosch K., Kay S., Herzog F.
How resilient are European agroforestry systems to climate change? What experts think.
Dans: EURAF 2024. 28-31 May, Ed. Mendel University in Brno, Brno. 2024, 68-69.

den Hond-Vaccaro C., Mascher F., Six J., Schöb C.
How does a winter wheat composite cross population perform in temperate agroforestry?: A Swiss case study.
Dans: EURAF 2024. 28-31 May, Ed. Mendel University, Brno (CZ). 2024, 203-204.

Roberti G., Kunzelmann J., Kay S.
Vegetation diversity and weed-pressure in alley-cropping agroforestry in Switzerland.
Dans: EURAF 2024. 28. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 107-108.

Kunzelmann J., Roberti G., Luchsinger N., Kay S.
Acoustic bird monitoring in 20 swiss agroforestry systems: Challenges and opportunities.
Dans: EURAF 2024. 28. May, Brno (CZ). 2024, 104-105.

Herzog F., Jäger M., Roberti G., Kay S.
Young Swiss silvo-arable systems: In what shape are they on their 10th birthday?
Dans: EURAF 2024. 29 May, Ed. Mendel University, Brno (CZ). 2024, 262-263.

Helfenstein J., Hepner S., Kreuzer A., Achermann G., Williams T., Bürgi M., Debonne N., Dimopoulos T., Diogo V., Fjellstad W., Garcia-Martin M., Hernik J., Kizos T., Lausch A., Levers C. et autres
Divergent agricultural development pathways across farm and landscape scales in Europe: Implications for sustainability and farmer satisfaction.
Global Environmental Change - Human and Policy Dimensions, 86, 2024, 1-13.

den Hond-Vaccaro C., Mascher F., Six J., Schöb C.
Performance of a winter wheat composite cross population in two temperate agroforestry systems: A Swiss case study.
Agroforestry Systems Online, 2024, 1-14.

Hofer S., Herzog F., Hirte J., Mestrot A., Oberholzer S., Kandeler E., Halswimmer H., Jarosch K.
How do trees affect soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in a 13-years old Swiss agroforestry system?
Dans: Jahrestagung 2024. 21 March, Ed. BGS, SGP, SGPW, Zollikofen. 2024, 1.

Li Y., Herzog F., Levers C., Mohr F., Verburg P. H., Bürgi M., Dossche R., Williams T. G.
Agricultural technology as a driver of sustainable intensification: Insights from the diffusion and focus of patents.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44, 2024, 1-21.

Schüpbach B., Kay S.
Validation of a visual landscape quality indicator for agrarian landscapes using public participatory GIS data.
Landscape and Urban Planning, 241, 2024, 1-11.

Muntwyler A., Panagos P., Morari F., Berti A., Jarosch K., Mayer J., Lugato E.
Modelling phosphorus dynamics in four European long-term experiments.
Agricultural Systems, 206, 2023, 1-13.

Kunzelmann J., Luchsinger N., Roberti G.
Comparing approaches to increase BirdNETs reliability in field recordings.
Dans: Bioacoustic meeting. 7 November, Ed. Swiss Ornithological Institute, Online. 2023, 1-14.

Mohr F., Diogo V., Helfenstein J., Debonne N., Dimopoulos T., Dramstad W., Garçia-Martin M., Hernik J., Herzog F., Bürgi M.
Why has farming in Europe changed? A farmers’ perspective on the development since the 1960s.
Regional Environmental Change, 23, (156), 2023, 1-17.

Hart D. E. T., Yeo S., Almaraz M., Beillouin D., Cardinael R., Garcia E., Kay S., Lovell S. T., Rosenstock T. S., Sprenkle-Hyppolite S., Stolle F., Suber M., Thapa B., Wood S., Cook-Patton S. C.
Priority science can accelerate agroforestry as a natural climate solution.
Nature Climate Change, 13, 2023, 1179-1190.

Roberti G., Kay S.
Ein Leitfaden für das Monitoring von Agroforstsystemen.
Die Grüne, 10, 2023, 11.

Suškevičs M., Kraner K., Bethwell C., Danzinger F., Kay S., Nishizawa T., Schuler J., Sepp K., Värnik R., Glemnitz M., Semm M., Umstätter C., Conradt T., Herzog F., Klein N. et autres
Stakeholder perceptions of agricultural landscape services, biodiversity, and drivers of change in four European case studies.
Ecosystem Services, 64, 2023, 1-17.

Kay S., Gosme M., Reubens B., Lawson G., Burgess P., de Beour M., Worms P., Hübner R.
DigitAF: DIGItale Tools zur Unterstützung der AgroForstwirtschaft: Verknüpfung von Feld und Cloud.
Dans: 9. Forum Agroforstsysteme. 28. September, Ed. Deutscher Fachverband für Agroforstwirtschaft (DeFAF), Freiburg im Breisgau. 2023, 59-60.

Nishizawa T., Kay S., Schuler J., Klein N., Conradt T., Mielewczik M., Herzog F., Aurbacher J., Zander P.
Towards diverse agricultural land uses: Socio-ecological implications of European agricultural pathways for a Swiss orchard region.
Regional Environmental Change, 23, 2023.

Achermann G., Helfenstein J., Speranza C.I., Herzog F.
Drei Visionen im Realitäts-Check: Avenir Suisse, Bauernverband, Landwirtschaft mit Zukunft.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 14, 2023, 130-140.

Hugenschmidt J., Kay S.
Unmasking adaption of tree root structure in agroforestry systems in Switzerland using GPR.
Geoderma regional, 34, 2023, 1-10.

Klein N., Herzog F., Jeanneret P., Kay S.
Validating farmland biodiversity life cycle assessment at the landscape scale.
Environmental Science & Technology, 57, (25), 2023, 9184-9193.

Vaccaro C., Six J., Schöb C.
How do different functional crop groups perform in temperate silvoarable agroforestry systems? A Swiss case study.
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 2, (2), 2023, 157-167.

Mann S., Hunziker M., Torregroza L., Wartmann F., Kienast F., Schüpbach B.
Landscape quality payments in Switzerland: The congruence between policy and preferences.
Journal of Policy Modeling, 45, 2023, 251-265.

Klein N., Grêt-Regamey A., Herzog F., Van Strien M., Kay S.
A multi-scale analysis on the importance of patch-surroundings for farmland birds.
Ecological Indicators, 150, 2023, 1-10.

Notz I., Topp C. F. E., Schuler J., Alves S., Amthauer Gallardo L., Dauber J., Haase T., Hargreaves P. R., Hennessy M., Iantcheva A., Jeanneret P., Kay S., Recknagel J., Rittler L., Vasiljević M. et autres
Transition to legume‑supported farming in Europe through redesigning cropping systems.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43, 2023, 1-12.

Roberti G., von Pfeil C., Kunzelmann J., Funke L., Rutz T., Kay S.
Guide de monitoring des systèmes agroforestiers : Méthodes de mesure des effets sur l’environnement.
Agroscope Transfer, 468, 2023.
autres langues: allemand | italien

Dimopoulos T., Helfenstein J., Kreuzer A., Mohr F., Sentas S., Giannelis R., Kizos T.
Different responses to mega-trends in less favorable farming systems: Continuation and abandonment of farming land on the islands of Lesvos and Lemnos, Greece.
Land Use Policy, 124, 2023, 1-13.

Jarosch K., Herzog F., Mayer J.
Climate resilience concept farming.
Agromix. 2022, 4 pp.

Hu Y., Jarosch K., Kavka M., Eichler-Löbermann B.
Fate of P from organic and inorganic fertilizers assessed by complementary approaches.
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 124, 2022, 189-209.

Herzog F.
Agro-ecological innovations for sustainable production: Mainstreaming agroforestry and flower strips in Switzerland.
Thünen Report, 98, 2022, 35-40.

Schmitt M., Jarosch K., Hertel R., Spielvogel S., Dippold M., Löppmann S.
Manufacturing triple-isotopically labeled microbial necromass to track C, N and P cycles in terrestrial ecosystems.
Applied Soil Ecology, 171, 2022, 1-13.

Diogo V., Helfenstein J., Mohr F., Varghese V., Debonne N., Levers C., Swart R., Sonderegger G., Nemecek T., Schader C., Walter A., Ziv G., Herzog F., Verburg P., Bürgi M.
Developing context-specific frameworks for integrated sustainability assessment of agricultural intensity change: An application for Europe.
Environmental Science and Policy, 137, 2022, 128-142.

Helfenstein J., Edlinger A., Herzog F.
Farmer surveys in Europe suggest that specialized, intensive farms were more likely to perceive negative impacts from COVID-19.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, (42), 2022, 1-16.

Herzog F.
Dans: Touch wood: Material, Architektur, Zukunft. Ed. Ferner C., Holdebrand T., Martinez-Carlavate C., Lars Müller Publishers. 2022, 64.

Debonne N., Bürgi M., Diogo V., Helfenstein J., Herzog F., Levers C., Mohr F., Swart R., Verburg P.
The geography of megatrends affecting European agriculture.
Global Environmental Change - Human and Policy Dimensions, 75, 2022, 1-14.

Nishizawa T., Kay S., Schuler J., Klein N., Herzog F., Aurbacher J., Zander P.
Ecological–Economic Modelling of Traditional Agroforestry to Promote Farmland Biodiversity with Cost-Effective Payments.
Sustainability, 14, (9), 2022, 1-21.

Wang YP., Huang Y., Augusto L., Goll D., Helfenstein J., Hou E.
Towards a global model for soil inorganic phosphorus dynamics: dependence of exchange kinetics and soil bioavailability on soil physicochemical properties.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36, (2), 2022.

Helfenstein J., Diogo V., Bürgi M., Verburg P. H., Schüpbach B., Szerencsits E., Mohr F., Siegrist M., Swart R., Herzog F.
An approach for comparing agricultural development to societal visions.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42, 2022, 1-17.

Nisbet T. R., Andreucci M.-B., De Vreese R., Högbom L., Kay S., Kelly-Quinn M., Leonardi A., Lyubenova M. I., Ovando Pol P., Quinteiro P., Pérez Silos I., Valatin G.
Forest Green Infrastructure to Protect Water Quality: A Step-by-Step Guide for Payment Schemes: Chapter 8.
Dans: Green Infrastructure and Climate Change Adaptation: Function, Implementation and Governance. 1. Edition, Ed. Futoshi Nakamura, Springer. 2022, 105-131.

Gallmann, J., Schüpbach B., Jacot-Ammann K., Albrecht M., Winizki J., Kirchgessner, N., Aasen, H.
Flower Mapping in Grasslands With Drones and Deep Learning.
Frontiers in Plant Science, February 2022, (Volume 12), 2022.