Most plants form symbiotic relationships with microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi to improve their fitness in their changing environment. Long-term associations between symbiotic organisms are characterized by, for instance, nutrient exchange and protective effects against biotic and abiotic stresses. One very-well studied symbiotic relationship is between legume plants such as peas and soybeans and nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria called rhizobia. Strawberries also have rhizobia and strengthening their symbionts can improve health and productivity
Fuchsmann P., Von Ah U., Guisolan A., Roetschi A., Christ B.
Bacteria inoculation on sheep wool to improve vegetative growth, yield, taste and aroma in soilless strawberry production.
In: 13th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology. 3 - 6 October, Eisenach. 2023, 1.
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