
Publikationen Pascal Yves Georges Fuchsmann

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Brügger Y.-A., Breme K.
Olfactometry profile and evaluation of odour-active volatile sulphur compounds in three different Swiss Tilsit cheeses by HS-SPME-GC-MS/PFPD and HS-SPMEGC-MS-O using vocabulary-intensity-duration of elementary odours by sniffing (VIDEO-Sniff).
In: 14th Weurmann Flavour Research Symposium, Cambridge UK. September 15th–19th, Hrsg. Agroscope, Institute for Food Sciences IFS. 2014, 1.

Fuchsmann P., Brügger Y.-A., Breme K.
Identification, quantification and odor impact of selected volatile sulfur compounds in Swiss Tilsit cheese by headspace-GC/pulsed flame photometric detection and GC-Olfactometry.
Current Topics in Flavor Chemistry & Biology, 2013, 399-403.

Fuchsmann P., Brügger Y.-A., Breme K.
Identification, quantification and odor impact of selected volatile sulfur compounds in Swiss Tilsit cheese by headspace-GC/pulsed flame photometric detection and GC-Olfactometry .
In: 10th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology. 16.-19.04., Hrsg. Book of Prodeedings, Eisenbach. 2013, 1.

Bogicevic B., Fuchsmann P., Breme K., Portmann R., Guggenbühl B., Irmler S.
A preliminary study on the effect of Lactobacillus casei expressing cstathionine lyase1/cystathionine lyase2 on Cheddar cheese and the formation of sulphur-containing compounds.
International Dairy Journal, (33), 2013, 97-103.

Fuchsmann P., Brügger Y.-A., Breme K.
Odorant impact and quantification of selected volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) in Swiss Tilsit cheese by headspace-solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography/pulsed flame photometric detection (HS-SPME-GC/PFPD) and olfactometry.
In: Flavors & Fragrances. 11.-13.09., Hrsg. GDCh, Leipzig. 2013, 1-1.

Fuchsmann P., Irmler S., Breme K.
Volatile sulphur Compounds in Cheeses – An Odorous Analytical Challenge.
Chimia, 67, (7/8), 2013, 610.

Breme K., Fuchsmann P., Badertscher R.
Flavour analysis in dairy products.
In: 4th European Yeast Flavour Workshop. 22.-23.07., Hrsg. TUM, Freising. 2013, 1-1.

Thomas C., Vendeuvre J.L., Guillard A.S., Sudron J., Mercier F., Tournayre P., Fuchsmann P., Breme K., Berdagué J.-L.
Volatile sulfur compounds and cooked ham aroma.
In: EuroFoodChem XVII. 07-10.5., Hrsg. INRA, Istanbul. 2013, 1-1.

Fuchsmann P., Breme K.
Odorant impact and quantification of selected volatile sulphur compounds (VSC) in Swiss Tilsit cheese by headspace-solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography/pulsed flame photometric detection (HS-SPME-GC/PFPD).
In: Flavors&Fragrances Leipzig. 11.-13.9., Hrsg. ALP-Haras, Leipzig / Deutschland. 2013, 1-1.

Fuchsmann P., Brügger Y.-A., Breme K.
Identification and quantification of selected volatile sulphur compounds (VSC) in Swiss Tilsit cheeses by Headspace gas chromatography/pulsed flame photometric detection (HS-GC/PFPD).
In: 10th Wartburg Flavor Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology. 16.-19. April, Hrsg. Wartburg Flavor Symposium, Eisenach Germany. 2013, 1-1.

Fuchsmann P., Bogivevic B., Irmler S., Breme K.
Gas chromatography/pulsed flame photometric detection (GC/PFPD) monitoring of volatile sulfur compounds produced by metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids in model cheddar cheeses during ripening.
In: Cheese Ripening & Technology Symposium . 21.-24. Mai, Hrsg. IDF , Madison USA. 2012, 1-1.

Fuchsmann P., Bogicevic, B., Irmler S., Breme K.
Gas chromatography/pulsed flame photometric detection (GC/PFPD) monitoring of volatile sulfur compounds produced by metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids in model cheddar cheeses during ripening.
In: Cheese Ripening & Technology Symposium,. 21-24 May, Hrsg. IDF, Madison, USA. 2012, 1-1.

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