Publication List

Publications Pascal Fuchsmann

Meng Y. H., Piccand M., Fuchsmann P., Dubois S., Baumeyer Brahier A., Tena Stern M., Von Ah U.
Formation of 3-Methylbutanal and 3-Methylbutan-1-ol Recognized as Malty during Fermentation in Swiss Raclette-Type Cheese, Reconstituted Milk, and de Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe Broth.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, (69), 2021, 717-729.

Fuchsmann P., Vergères G.
Das Joghurt – wissenschaftliche Reise (Teil 1): Ein Modell für die Lebensmittelforschung.
ChemiExtra, 11, 2020, 17-18.

Fuchsmann P., Vergères G.
Die Nutrivolatilomik – wissenschaftliche Reise (Teil 2): Ein Werkzeug für die Lebensmittelforschung.
ChemiExtra, 12, 2020, 22-23.

Vergères G., Fuchsmann P.
Ein Modell für die Lebensmittelforschung: Das Joghurt – wissenschaftliche Reise (Teil 1).
ChemiExtra, 11, 2020, 17-18.

Dienes-Nagy Á., Marti G., Breant L., Lorenzini F., Fuchsmann P., Baumgartner D. G., Zufferey V., Spring J.-L., Gindro K., Viret O., Wolfender J-L, Rösti J.
Identification of putative chemical markers in white wine (Chasselas) related to nitrogen deficiencies in vineyards.
OENO One, 3, 2020, 583-599.

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Münger L. H., Pimentel G., Burton K. J., Vionnet N., Vergères G.
Nutrivolatilomics of urinary and plasma samples to identify candidate biomarkers after cheese, milk, and soy-based drink intake in healthy humans.
Journal of Proteome Research, 2020, 1-15.

Stoffers H., Fuchsmann P., Guggisberg D., Silacci P., Dubois S., Schwendimann L.
Einfluss der Lagerzeit von Speck auf die Oxidation von Fleischkäse.
Foodaktuell, 12, 2019, 12-13.
other Languages: french

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Münger L., Pimentel G., Vionnet N., Pralong F., Vergères G.
Identification of plasma and urinary volatile Food Intake Biomarkers for Milk, Cheese, and Soy-Based Drink by Untargeted GC-MS in Healthy Humans.
In: NuGOWeek. 9-12 September, Publ. Agroscope, Liebefeld. 2019, 1.

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M.
Une technique d’extraction des composés volatils - Nouvelle méthode rapide et économique.
ChemiExtra, 9, 2019, 26-28.

Fuchsmann P., Bischoff P., Tena Stern M., Badertscher R., Walther B.
Development and performance evaluation of a novel dynamic headspace vacuum transfer “in trap” extraction method for volatile compounds and comparison with headspace solid-phase microextraction and headspace in-tube extraction.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1601, 2019, 60-70.

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Deneulin P., Dienes-Nagy Á.
Olfactometry profile and evaluation of odour-active compounds in Chasselas wines.
In: 11th edition of In Vino Analytica Scientia IVAS 2019. 25-28 June, Publ. L'Unité de recherche Œnologie, ISVV, Bordeaux. 2019, 1.

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Münger L., Pimentel G., Vionnet N., Pralong F., Vergères G.
Identification of plasma and urinary volatile food intake biomarkers for milk, cheese, and soy-based drink by untargeted GC-MS in healthy humans.
In: 12th Wartburg Symposium on Flavor Chemistry & Biology. 20.05., Wartburg. 2019.

Eugster E., Fuchsmann P., Schlichterherle-Cerny H., Bütikofer U., Irmler S.
Formation of alanine, α-aminobutyrate, acetate, and 2-butanol during cheese ripening by Pediococcus acidilactici FAM18098.
International Dairy Journal, 96, (September), 2019, 21-28.

Meng Y. H., Piccand M., Baumeyer Brahier A., Tena Stern M., Lüdin P., Von Ah U., Fuchsmann P.
Identifying formation pathways for malty/chocolate flavour compounds in semi-hard cheeses by HS-SPME-GC-MS, HS-ITEX-GC-MS and LC-MS/MS.
In: IDF World Dairy Summit 2018. 15.10., Daejeon, South Korea. 2018, 1.

Meng Y. H., Piccand M., Baumeyer Brahier A., Tena Stern M., Lüdin P., Von Ah U., Fuchsmann P.
Identification et caractérisation des composés à l’arôme malté/chocolaté et leurs mécanismes de formation dans les fromages à pâte mi-dure.
In: Adalus 2018. 08.11.2018, IAG Grangeneuve. 2018, 1.

Meng Y. H., Piccand M., Baumeyer Brahier A., Tena Stern M., Lüdin P., Von Ah U., Fuchsmann P.
Identification and characterisation of malty/chocolate flavour compounds generated in a semi-hard cheese by HS-SPME-GC-MS, HS-ITEX-VD-GC-MS-O and GCxGC heart-cut.
In: 10th Cheese Symposium. 4-6th April, Publ. INRA, Rennes. 2018, 1.

Fuchsmann P., Tena Stern M., Guggenbühl B.
Analytical mapping of Swiss Gruyère Cheese to highlight the distribution of aroma compounds using HS-ITEX-GC-MS/PFPD.
In: 10 th Cheese Symposium. 04.04., Publ. Agroscope, Rennes, INRA. 2018, 1.

Koestel C., Dienes-Nagy Á., Fuchsmann P., Spring J.-L., Lorenzini F., Rösti J., Cléroux M., Bach B.
Alterung von Chasselas-Weinen: Einfluss der Stickstoffversorgung im Weinbau und der Weinherstellung auf die chemische Zusammensetzung der Weine.
In: Agrovina, Journée suisse d’œnologie. Martigny. 2018, 1-29.
other Languages: french

Koestel C., Dienes-Nagy Á., Fuchsmann P., Nardone D., Zufferey V., Spring J.-L., Lorenzini F., Rösti J.
Impact of different nitrogen levels in the vineyard and wine-making processes on the chemical profile of Chasselas wines.
In: Wine Active Compounds 2017 International Conference. 29 mars, Beaune, France. 2017, 1.

Guggenbühl B., Beutler E., Tena Stern M., Piccinali Schwegler P., Fuchsmann P.
Cheese and wine pairings – combining perception of sensory balance with GC-Olfactometry using VIDEO-Sniff.
In: 11th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium. 23-27 August, Publ. Svenska Mässan, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2016, 1.

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