Egger L., Ménard O., Delgado-Andrade C., Alvito P., Assunção R., Balance S., Barberá R., Brodkorb A., Cattenoz T., Clemente A., Comi I., Dupont D., Garcia-Llatas G., Lagarda M. J., Le Feunteun S., JanssenDuijghuijsen L., Karakaya S., Lesmes U., Mackie A. R., Martins C., Meynier A., Miralles B., Murray B. S., Pihlanto A., Picariello G., Santos C. N., Simsek S., Recio I., Rigby N., Rioux L.-E., Stoffers H., Tavares A., Tavares L., Turgeon S., Ulleberg E. K., Vegarud G. E., Vergères G., Portmann R.

The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: From knowledge to action.

Food Research International, online, (8 December), 2015, 1-9.

Link: ScienceDirect

ISSN Print: 0963-9969
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Publication-ID (Web Code): 35401 Sending by e-mail

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