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Neue Publikationen

Ammann J., Liechti C., Mack G., Saleh R.
A food waste information-framing can help promote purchase of suboptimal potatoes.
Food Quality and Preference, 123, 2025, 105338.

Schaub S., Pfaff A., Bonev P.
Bird diversity and the effectiveness of result-based agri-environmental programs.
In: 187th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists. 12 June, Hrsg. FiBL, Frick. 2024.

Kollaart S., Inderbitzin J., Köhle M.
Comparing fruit consumer acceptance models using different machine learning algorithms.
In: 11th Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research. 8 September, Hrsg. Elsevier / E3S, Dublin (IR). 2024.

Lautrou M., Manzocchi E., Schlegel P.
Swiss Feed Database: mineral and trace element composition of feedstuffs.
In: Spring conference Animal Nutrition. 23 May, Hrsg. Agridea / ETH Zurich, Lindau. 2024.

Lautrou M., Bee G.
Estimation de l’efficacité d’utilisation des acides aminés à partir de données de composition chimique de porcs en croissance.
In: Journée de la production animale. 26 septembre, Hrsg. Agroscope / AGRIDEA, Grangeneuve. 2024.

Lautrou M., Bee G.
Estimating the efficiency of amino acid use using chemical composition data from growing pigs.
In: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 4 September, Hrsg. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024.

Lautrou M., Lerch S., Mehaba Fedila N.
The 11th ModNut workshop amidst the majestic Swiss Alps.
In: 75th EAAP Annual Meeting. 1 September, Hrsg. EAAP, Florence (IT). 2024.

Fabri C., Vermeulen S., Van Passel S., Schaub S.
Crop diversification and the effect of weather shocks on Italian farmers' income and income risk.
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75, (3), 2024, 955-980.

Schaub S., El Benni N.
How do price (risk) changes influence farmers' preferences to reduce fertilizer application?
Agricultural Economics, 55, (2), 2024, 365-383.

Inderbitzin J.
Swissbaker-Blog: Sinn und Unsinn.
Panissimo, (17), 2024, 37.