Sauer C., Lutz M., Fischer S., Albertoni L., Ortelli S., Gamper Cardinali C.
Gemüsebau Info 29/2024.
Hrsg. Agroscope, Wädenswil. 18. September, 2024, 9 S.
weitere Sprachen:
| italienisch
Keller M., Guyer A., Lutz M.
Pflanzenschutzmittelbewilligungen für den Gemüsebau: Aktualisierung 2/2024.
Agroscope Transfer, 552, 2024, 1-3.
weitere Sprachen:
| italienisch
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Predictive modelling of dry matter intake in lactating dairy cows based on routinely available variables.
In: 75th annual meeting EAAP - European Federation of Animal Science. 1. September, Firenze. 2024, 1.
Mehaba N., Schrade S., Dohme-Meier F., Eggerschwiler L., Schlegel P.
Predictive modelling of dry matter intake in lactating dairy cows based on routinely available variables.
In: 75th annual meeting EAAP - European Federation of Animal Science. 1 - 5 September, Hrsg. EAAP, Firenze. 2024, 357.
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Managing thrips in strawberries: Do insecticide-free options work? A systematic review.
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Mejia B. M., Stüssi M., Mehner E., Gaillard G., Douziech M.
A practitioner-driven methodological framework to assess the sustainability of regional food products.
In: 14th International Conference LCAFood. 9 September, Barcelona. 2024, 1-14.
Baumgartner M., Erhard M., Zeitler-Feicht M.H.
Time-controlled hay racks in group-housed horses: What ratio of horses to feeding places is appropriate?
In: Book of Abstracts of the 75th Annual Meeting. 1 September, Hrsg. European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Firenze. 2024, 230.
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Protein self-sufficiency and nitrogen use efficiency in beef-on-dairy crossbred bulls.
In: Book of Abstracts of the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 1 September, Hrsg. EAAP, Firenze. 2024, 821-821.
Brabant C., Bussereau F., Steinger T., Cornamusaz B., Peter M.
Tests variétaux pour lutter contre la jaunisse virale de la betterave sucrière.
In: journées grandes cultures biologiques. 26 juin, Aubonne. 2024, 1.
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Der Rüsselkäfer Lixus juncii im Zuckerrübenanbau: Situation in der Schweiz und Beobachtungen in Changins.
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