Liechti C., Mack G., Ammann J.
Does label information reflect product properties? A Swiss case study of plant-based milk alternatives.
Applied Food Research, 5, (1), 2025, 1-11.
Ammann J., Arbenz A., Mack G., Siegrist M.
Consumer support of policy measures to increase sustainability in food consumption.
Food Policy, 131, 2025, Artikel 102822.
Ammann J., El Benni N., Masson S., Saleh R.
Data on Swiss public's acceptance and sustainability perceptions of food produced with chemical, digital and mechanical weed control measures and the influence of information source on technology perception in agriculture.
Data in Brief, 58, 2025, Artikel 111212.
Ammann J., Liechti C., Mack G., Saleh R.
A food waste information-framing can help promote purchase of suboptimal potatoes.
Food Quality and Preference, 123, 2025, Artikel 105338.
Mack G., Ritzel C., Ammann J., Heitkämper K., El Benni N.
Data on the administrative workload and perceived administrative burden of farmers in Switzerland.
Data in Brief, 58, 2024, Artikel 111186.
Ammann J., Mack G., El Benni N., Saleh R.
Consumers would rather buy a product with a levy for enhancing animal welfare than for environmental sustainability.
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 53, 2024, 99-108.
Liechti C., Mack G., Ammann J.
A systematic literature review on impactful food waste interventions at consumer level.
Sustainable Production and Consumption, 52, 2024, 552-565.
Ammann J., Mack G., El Benni N., Saleh R.
Consumers favour products with a sustainability levy for animal welfare over environmental sustainability.
In: 38th EFFoST International Conference. 13 November, Hrsg. EFFoST, Bruges (BE). 2024.
Ammann J., Liechti C., Mack G., Saleh R.
A food waste framing can help promote suboptimal potatoes.
In: 38th EFFoST International Conference. 12 November, Hrsg. EFFoST, Bruges (BE). 2024.
Ammann J., Mack G., El Benni N.
Welche Informationen finden die Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten hilfreich beim Kauf von Fleisch und Milchprodukten?
In: 47. Agrarökonomie-Tagung. 19. November, Hrsg. Agroscope, Tänikon (CH). 2024.
El Benni N., Finger R., Irek J., Mack G., Ammann J.
No evidence of a rural-urban divide in prioritizing agricultural policy goals.
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, In Press, 2024.
El Benni N., Irek J., Finger R., Mack G., Ammann J.
Citizens' perceptions of agricultural policy goals: Evidence from Switzerland.
Food Policy, 125, 2024, 1-21.
Guggenbühl B., Grande A., Ammann J.
Wahrnehmung und Konsum pflanzlicher Milchersatzprodukte in der Schweiz.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 15, 2024, 109-118.
Ammann J., Mack G., El Benni N., Jin S., Newell-Price P., Tindale S., Hunter E., Vicario-Modrono V., Gallardo-Cobos R., Sánchez-Zamora P., Miskolci S., Frewer L. J.
Consumers across five European countries prioritise animal welfare above environmental sustainability when buying meat and dairy products.
Food Quality and Preference, 117, 2024, 1-11.
Ammann J., De Steur H., Schouteten J. J.
Editorial overview: Alternative proteins for foods.
Food Quality and Preference, 117, 2024, 1-3.
Mack G., Ritzel C., Ammann J., El Benni N.
Improving the understanding of farmers’ non-compliance with agricultural policy regulations.
Journal of Rural Studies, 106, 2024, 1-11.
Ammann J., Arbenz A.
Are the public supportive of policy measures for a more sustainable future?
Baking Europe, Winter, 2024, 32-35.
Saleh R., El Benni N., Masson S., Ammann J.
Public acceptance and sustainability perceptions of food produced with chemical, digital and mechanical weed control measures.
Food Quality and Preference, 113, 2024, 1-9.
Runte M., Nuessli Guth J., Ammann J.
Consumers' perception of plant-based alternatives and changes over time. A linguistic analysis across three countries and ten years.
Food Quality and Preference, 113, 2023, 1-35.
Ammann J.
Eine Befragung unter künftigen Betriebsleitenden in der Schweiz.
In: KTBL Workshop. 7. November, online. 2023, 1-16.