Meier E., Lüscher G., Herzog F., Birrer S., Plattner M., Knop E.
Mehr Biodiversität dank Biodiversitätsförderflächen in Vernetzungsprojekten.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 15, 2024, 168-175.
Herzog C., Meier E., Schneuwly J., Birrer S., Roth T., Knop E.
Effekte ausgewählter Faktoren auf die Biodiversität in Schweizer Agrarlandschaften.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 15, 2024, 128-137.
Meier E., Lüscher G., Herzog F., Knop E.
Collaborative approaches at the landscape scale increase the benefits of agri-environmental measures for farmland biodiversity.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 367, 2024, 1-9.
Ecker K. T., Meier E., Tillé Y.
Integrating spatial and ecological information into comprehensive biodiversity monitoring on agricultural land.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, (10), 2023, 1-20.
Herzog C., Meier E., Lüscher G., Knop E.
Integration externer Datensätze führt zu neuen Erkenntnissen: Arten und Lebensräume Landwirtschaft (ALL-EMA).
Hotspot, 47, 2023, 29-30.
other Languages:
Casanelles-Abella J., Fontana S., Meier E., Moretti M. , Fournier B.
Spatial mismatch between wild bee diversity hotspots and protected areas.
Conservation Biology, 37, (4), 2023, 1-16.
Herzog C., Meier E., Indermaur A., Winizki J., Lüscher G., Knop E.
Agricultural Species and Habitats – Recording Diversity in the Agricultural Landscape.
Agroscope, Zurich. April, 2022, 8 pp.
other Languages:
Lüscher G., Meier E., Plattner, M., Roth, T.
Die Pflanzen- und Tagfaltervielfalt profitiert von Biodiversitätsförderflächen im Grünland - Ist das genug?
N+L Inside, 4, 2022, 30-34.
Neff F., Korner-Nievergelt F., Rey E., Albrecht M., Bollmann K., Cahenzli F., Chittaro Y., Gossner M. M., Martinez Nunez C., Meier E., Monnerat C., Moretti M., Roth T., Herzog F., Knop E.
Different roles of concurring climate and regional land-use changes in past 40 years’ insect trends.
Nature Communications, 13, 2022, 1-12.
Knop E., Meier E.
Synergien mit ALL-EMA.
Hotspot, Sonderheft, 2022, 41-41.
Huber N., Ginzler Ch., Pazur R., Descombes P., Baltensweiler A., Ecker K., Meier E., Price B.
Countrywide classification of permanent grassland habitats at high spatial resolution.
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 9, (1), 2022, 133-151.
Meier E., Lüscher G., Knop E.
Disentangling direct and indirect drivers of farmland biodiversity at landscape scale.
Ecology Letters, 25, (11), 2022, 2422-2434.
Biurrun, I., usw., Meier E., Denger, J.
Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 32, (4), 2021.
Meier E., Lüscher G., Buholzer S., Herzog F., Indermaur A., Riedel S., Winizki J., Hofer G., Knop E.
Zustand der Biodiversität in der Schweizer Agrarlandschaft: Zustandsbericht ALL-EMA 2015−2019.
Agroscope Science, 111, 2021.
Meier E., Indermaur A., Ginzler C., Psomas A.
An effective way to map land-use intensity with a high spatial resolution based on habitat type and environmental data.
Remote Sensing, 12, (6), 2020, 1-21.
Biurrun I., Burrascano S., Dembicz I., Guarino R., Kapfer J., Pielech R., Garcia-Mijangos I., Wagner V., Palpurina S., Mimet A., Pellissier V., Marcenò C., Nowak A., Bergamini A., Boch S. and others
GrassPlot v. 2.00 – first update on the database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands.
Palaearctic Grasslands, 44, 2019, 26-47.
Riedel S., Lüscher G., Meier E., Herzog F., Hofer G.
Ökologische Qualität von Wiesen, die mit Biodiversitätsbeiträgen gefördert werden.
Agrarforschung Schweiz, 10, (2), 2019, 80-87.
other Languages:
Riedel S., Meier E., Buholzer S., Herzog F., Indermaur A., Lüscher G., Walter T., Winizki J., Hofer G., Ecker K., Ginzler C.
ALL-EMA Methodology Report Agricultural Species and Habitats.
Agroscope Science, 57, 2018.
other Languages:
Walthert L., Meier E.
Tree species distribution in temperate forests is more influenced by soil than by climate.
Ecology and Evolution, 7, (22), 2017, 9473-9484.
Meier E., Hofer G.
Effects of plot size and their spatial arrangement on estimates of alpha, beta and gamma diversity of plants in alpine grassland.
Alpine Botany, online, 01 July, 2016, 1-12.