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Le colture miste grezze.
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Purtschert G., Roetschi A., Irmler S., Von Ah U., Arias E.
Lactic acid bacteria as protective cultures for plant-based food.
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Small consortia of microorganisms enhancing the taste and safety of our food.
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Leuconostoc spp. in the rind of soft smear cheese: A contribution to food safety.
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The sensory and microbial diversity of Bernese Alp Cheese.
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Biopreservation oder die vergessene Rolle der Fermentation.
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Ryser L., Arias E., Berthoud H., Delbès-Paus C., Chassard C., Bruggmann R., Irmler S.
Cadaverine, putrescine, and histamine formation of Morganella morganii in raclette-type cheese.
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L' effet anti-clostridia de Lactobacillus Helveticus.
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Wechsler D., Fehér N., Haldemann J., Meola M., Guggisberg D., Fuchsmann P., Guggenbühl B., Dreier M., Shani N., Badertscher R., Egger C., Portmann R., Arias E., Schmidt R.
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Bourdichon F., Arias E., Babuchowski A., Bückle A., Dal Bello F., Dubois A., Fontana A., Fritz D., Kemperman R., Laulund S., Mac Auliffe O., Miks M. H. , Papademas P., Patrone V., Sharma D. K. e altri
Fermentation and Biopreservation the forgotten role of Food Cultures.
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Shani N., Oberhaensli S., Arias E.
Antibiotic susceptibility profiles of Pediococcus pentosaceus from various origins and their implications for the safety assessment of strains with food-technology applications.
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Eugster E., Sartori C., Louviot F., Ramseier H., Looser F., Bachmann H.-P., Arias E., Von Ah U., Weisskopf L.
Mikrobielle Schutzkulturen.
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