
Publikationen Guy Vergères

Dragsted L.O., Gao Q., Scalbert A., Vergères G., Kolehmainen M., Manach C., Brennan L., Afman L.A., Wishart D.S., Andres Lacueva C., Garcia-Aloy M., Verhagen H., Feskens E.J.M., Praticò G.
Validation of biomarkers of food intake - critical assessment of candidate biomarkers.
Genes & Nutrition, 13, (14), 2018, 1-14.

Vergères G.
Towards personalized nutrition.
In: ebi-séminaires. 05.05.2018, Lausanne - ebi-pharm. 2018.

Vergères G.
Fermented food for health – from bacterial genomics to human metabolism.
In: Besuch der dualen Hochschule Baden-Wütenberg an Agroscope Liebefeld. 12.06.2018, Liebefeld - Agroscope. 2018.

Vergères G.
Personalized nutrition – Are we only talking about genetic analyses?
In: 3. Jahrestagung des Swiss Sports Nutrition Society. 08.06.2018, Nottwil - Swiss Sports Nutrition Society. 2018.

Vergères G.
Markers of inflammation in relation to dairy products: what can blood and urine measurements tell us?
In: Annual meeting of the Utrecht Group, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 16.05.2018, Utrecht - The Utrecht Group. 2018.

Vergères G.
Intake biomarkers for foods of animal origin: assessing dairy products and eggs intake.
In: FoodBAll project meeting 2018, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 15.05.2018, Wageningen - Wageningen University. 2018.

Gille D., Walther B., Badertscher R., Bosshart A., Brügger C., Brühlhart M., Gauch R., Noth P., Vergères G., Egger L.
Detection of lactose in products with low lactose content.
International Dairy Journal, 83, 2018, 17-19.

Trimigno A., Münger L., Picone G., Freiburghaus C., Pimentel G., Vionnet N., Pralong F., Capozzi F., Badertscher R., Vergères G.
GC-MS based metabolomics and NMR spectroscopy investigation of food intake biomarkers for milk and cheese in serum of healthy humans.
Metabolites, 8, (2), 2018, 1-27.

Gille D., Schmid A., Walther B., Vergères G.
Fermented food and non-communicable chronic diseases: A review.
Nutrients, 10, (4), 2018, 1-18.

Praticò G., Gao Q., Scalbert A., Vergères G., Kolehmainen M., Manach C., Brennan L., Pedapati S.H., Afman L.A., Wishart D.S., Vázquez-Fresno R., Andres Lacueva C., Garcia-Aloy M., Verhagen H., Feskens E.J.M. und weitere
Guidelines for Biomarker of Food Intake Reviews (BFIRev): how to conduct an extensive literature search for biomarker of food intake discovery.
Genes & Nutrition, 13, (3), 2018, 1-14.

Burton K. J., Pimentel G., Zangger N., Vionnet N., Drai J., McTernan P.G., Pralong F.P., Delorenzi M., Vergères G.
Modulation of the peripheral blood transcriptome by the ingestion of probiotic yoghurt and acidified milk in healthy, young men.
PLOS ONE, 13, (2), 2018, 1-24.

Pimentel G., Burton K. J., Vergères G., Dupont D.
The role of foodomics to understand the digestion/bioactivity relationship of food.
Current Opinion in Food Science, 22, 2018, 67-73.

Vergères G., Gille D.
Teil 1: Personalisierte Ernährung: Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und ethische Grundsätze.
Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin, 2, 2017, 29-31.

Bordoni A., Danesi F., Dardevet D., Dupont D., Fernandez A.S., Gille D., Nunes dos Santos C., Pinto P., Re R., Rémond D., Shahar D.R., Vergères G.
Dairy products and inflammation: a review of the clinical evidence.
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutriton, 57, (12), 2017, 2497-2525.

Brouwer-Brolsma E.M., Brennan L., Drevon C.A., von Kranen H., Manach C., Dragsted L.O., Roche H., Andres-Lacueva C., Bakker S.J.L., Bouwman J., Capozzi F., De Saeger S., Gundersen T.E., Kolehmainen M., Kulling S.E. und weitere
Combining traditional dietary assessment methods with novel metabolomics techniques: present efforts by the Food Biomarker Alliance.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 76, (4), 2017, 619-627.

Münger L.H., Trimigno A., Picone G., Freiburghaus C., Pimentel G., Burton K. J., Pralong F.P., Vionnet N., Capozzi F., Badertscher R., Vergères G.
Identification of urinary food intake biomarkers for milk, cheese and soy-based drink by untargeted GC-MS and NMR in healthy humans.
Journal of Proteome Research, 16, (9), 2017, 3321-3335.

Pimentel G., Burton K.J., Rosikiewicz M., Freiburghaus C., Von Ah U., Münger L.H., Pralong F.P., Vionnet N., Greub G., Badertscher R., Vergères G.
Blood lactose after dairy product intake in healthy men.
The British Journal of Nutrition, 118, (12), 2017, 1070-1077.

Gao Q., Praticó G., Scalbert A., Vergères G., Kolehmainen M., Manach C., Brennan L., Afman L.A., Wishart D.S., Andres-Lacueva C., Garcia-Aloy M., Verhagen H., Feskens E.J.M., Dragsted L.O.
A scheme for a flexible classification of dietary and health biomarkers.
Genes & Nutrition, 12, (1), 2017, 34.

Egger C., Ménard O., Baumann C., Duerr D., Schlegel P., Stoll P., Vergères G., Dupont D., Portmann R.
Digestion of milk proteins: comparing static and dynamic in vitro digestion systems with in vivo data.
Food Research International, online, (18 December), 2017, 1-8.

Pimentel G., Burton K. J., Pralong F. P., Vionnet N., Portmann R., Vergères G.
The postprandial metabolome — a source of Nutritional Biomarkers of Health.
Current Opinion in Food Science, 16, 2017, 67-73.

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